After the recent earthquakes, many business owners are concerned about how past or future tremors could affect the stability of their commercial roofs. Now is the perfect opportunity to examine the roof of your business to assess its current condition and ability to stand up against the elements.

To ensure that your business can stand up to the effects of an earthquake, prepare for one before it occurs. Use the earthquake safety tips from the experts at Stone Roofing Co., Inc. to help protect your business and your employees from harm.

It always pays to be prepared – Earthquake Tips

Before an Earthquake – Be Prepared

  • Check and reduce hazards in your place of business
  • Check building structure and roof field
  • Keep disaster supplies on hand
  • Become earthquake educated
  • Keep disaster supplies on hand for employees
  • Develop an emergency communications plan

During an Earthquake – Be Safe

If indoors

  • Drop to the ground and take cover by getting under a sturdy table or other piece of furniture. Hold on until the shaking stops. If there isn’t a table or desk near you, cover your face and head with your arms and crouch in an inside corner of the building.
  • Stay away from glass windows, outside doors and walls or anything that could fall such as lighting fixtures or book shelves.
  • Use a doorway for shelter only if it is in close proximity to you and you know it is a strongly supporting, load-bearing doorway.
  • Stay inside until the shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.
  • Be aware that electricity may go out and sprinkler systems or fire alarms may turn on.
  • Do not use elevators.

If outdoors

  • Stay there.
  • Move away from buildings, streetlights and utility wires. Most earthquake-related casualties result from collapsing walls, flying glass and falling objects.
  • If trapped under debris
  • Do not light a match.
  • Stay still; do not move about or kick up dust.
  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or piece of clothing
  • Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.
  • Once in an open space, stay there until the shaking stops.

If trapped under debris

  • Do not light a match.
  • Stay still; do not move about or kick up dust.
  • Cover your mouth with a handkerchief or piece of clothing
  • Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you. Use a whistle if one is available. Shout only as a last resort. Shouting can cause you to inhale dangerous amounts of dust.

After an Earthquake – Be Smart

  • Use a cell phone or landline telephone only for emergency calls.
  • Help injured or trapped persons. Give first aid where appropriate, but do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
  • Check for gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear blowing or hissing noise, open a window and leave immediately. Turn off the gas at the outside main valve if possible, move away from the building and call the gas company for assistance.
  • Look for electrical system damage. If you see sparks or broken or frayed wires, or if you smell hot insulation, turn off the electricity at the main fuse box or circuit breaker. If you have to step in water to get to the fuse box or circuit breaker, call and electrician for assistance.
  • Check for sewer and water line damage. If you suspect sewage line damage, avoid using the toilets and call a plumber. If water pipes are damaged, contact the water company and do not use water from the tap.
  • Listen to a battery-powered radio or television for the latest emergency information.


If you’re looking for a roofing contractor to help prepare you for the next BIG ONE, contact Stone Roofing Co., Inc. at

800-31-STONE. www.stoneroof.com